EST to GMT Converter - Time Zone Tool (2024)

Time Zone Converter: Eastern Standard Time to Greenwich Mean Time

Eastern Standard Time Information Time Zone Converter
Greenwich Mean Time Information Meeting Planner

What Time is it in GMT Now?

09:29:39 GMT

Wednesday, Apr 17, 2024

Eastern Standard Time Greenwich Mean Time
12:00am - 00:00 05:00am - 05:00
01:00am - 01:00 06:00am - 06:00
02:00am - 02:00 07:00am - 07:00
03:00am - 03:00 08:00am - 08:00
04:00am - 04:00 09:00am - 09:00
05:00am - 05:00 10:00am - 10:00
06:00am - 06:00 11:00am - 11:00
07:00am - 07:00 12:00pm - 12:00
08:00am - 08:00 01:00pm - 13:00
09:00am - 09:00 02:00pm - 14:00
10:00am - 10:00 03:00pm - 15:00
11:00am - 11:00 04:00pm - 16:00
12:00pm - 12:00 05:00pm - 17:00
01:00pm - 13:00 06:00pm - 18:00
02:00pm - 14:00 07:00pm - 19:00
03:00pm - 15:00 08:00pm - 20:00
04:00pm - 16:00 09:00pm - 21:00
05:00pm - 17:00 10:00pm - 22:00
06:00pm - 18:00 11:00pm - 23:00
07:00pm - 19:00 12:00am - 00:00
08:00pm - 20:00 01:00am - 01:00
09:00pm - 21:00 02:00am - 02:00
10:00pm - 22:00 03:00am - 03:00
11:00pm - 23:00 04:00am - 04:00

This page is designed to provide you with up-to-date clocks that accurately portray the difference between Eastern Standard Time and Greenwich Mean Time at the current moment in the day. We also provide you with a chart the showcases conversions for each hour across both zones to help you quickly convert any and all times you may need.

During the winter and spring months, the standard Eastern zone is observed on the east coast of America, but during the summer months, it changes to EDT to observe the time change. The Atlantic ocean separates these two time zones.

When converting from EST to GMT, there is a five hour difference. The former is UTC -5:00 while the latter is UTC 0:00, it is where the prime meridian is located and represents the zero-point from which the other zones are drawn.

An example for you:

If it is 12 A.M in Eastern Standard Time, then it will be 5 A.M in Greenwich Mean Time. During the summer months, the time change results in a four hour difference between the two since the Eastern zone moves an hour forward in the spring.

The Eastern Time Zone

Geographically, this is located on the Eastern coast of the North American continent, but it also extends down into the Caribbean and up into Canada. On a global map, the Greenwich time zone is located at zero degree longitude and the Eastern time zone is located at 75 degrees west.

There is a great deal of history in this part of the world. For example, the original thirteen colonies of the United States were all located within this zone on the east coast of the continent. It was this colonies that would go on to wage war against the British to gain independence and bring about the nation that occupies this continent today.

The range of climate within the locations here is staggering. It is classified as a temperate humid climate that enjoys hot summers and winters that range from cool to very cold. The southern location have a tropical climate that makes them major tourist destinations, while the northern areas have major cities and significant snowfall.

The Greenwich Time Zone

Yet another area rife with historical significance, this time zone represents the place where the concept was born. Originally, before Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) was implemented, this was where the time standard was located. It was based on the solar time established at the Greenwich Royal Observatory.

The largest city in this zone is London in the United Kingdom. Other notable cities in this zone include Abidjan, Dakar, Grand Dakar, and Accra.

It is unique in that it has no offset from UTC. It is written as 0:00, set at the zero point of the time zones. Solar methods of telling time became obsolete when technology afforded us more accurate options. It is still observed by astronomers.

Popular city time zones

New York, NY



Washington DC






Miami, FL

Atlanta, GA

Las Vegas, NV

Seattle, WA

Houston, TX

Boston, MA

San Francisco, CA

Chicago, IL

Los Angeles, CA


Kuala Lumpur





Mexico City

Rio de Janeiro

São Paulo


Largest country time zones



United States

United Kingdom








South Africa












South Korea










Popular Time Zones











Popular Countries Time



United Kingdom

United States





Popular Cities








EST to GMT Converter - Time Zone Tool (2024)


How to convert EST to GMT? ›

  1. pm EST. is. 5 pm GMT.
  2. pm EST. is. 6 pm GMT.
  3. pm EST. is. 7 pm GMT.
  4. pm EST. is. 8 pm GMT.
  5. pm EST. is. 9 pm GMT.
  6. pm EST. is. 10 pm GMT.
  7. pm EST. is. 11 pm GMT.
  8. pm EST. is. 12 am GMT.

How do I convert standard time to GMT? ›

To get Greenwich Mean Time, add 5 hours to Eastern Standard Time.

What GMT time zone is EST? ›

Eastern Standard Time (EST) or UTC/GMT -5

Its time offset is −5 hours (UTC/GMT -5) during standard time and −4 hours (UTC/GMT -4) during daylight saving time. The time in this zone is based on the mean solar time of the 75th meridian west of the Greenwich Observatory.

What is 7 am EST in my timezone? ›

Getting Started
Eastern Standard Time (EST) to Los Angeles, California ( in Los Angeles)
7 am ESTis4 am in Los Angeles
8 am ESTis5 am in Los Angeles
9 am ESTis6 am in Los Angeles
10 am ESTis7 am in Los Angeles
8 more rows

Is GMT always 4 hours ahead of EST? ›

The Eastern Time Zone (ET) is an area 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-5) during the winter months (referred to as Eastern Standard Time or EST) and 4 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-4) during the summer months (referred to as Eastern Daylight Time or EDT).

Is GMT equal to EST? ›

GMT is five hours ahead of EST, or Eastern Standard Time, which is the time zone used by cities such as New York. If we're trying to convert from one time zone to another, we will need to consult a reference table to determine the difference between the two.

How do you convert GMT to local time? ›

Apply the offset: To convert from GMT to local time, add the time difference if the local time zone is ahead of GMT, or subtract it if the local time zone is behind GMT. For example, if the local time zone is GMT-5, subtract 5 hours from the GMT time to convert to local time.

How to convert timestamp to GMT? ›

=(A1 / 86400) + 25569 Format the result cell for date/time, the result will be in GMT time (A1 is the cell with the epoch number). For other time zones: =((A1 +/- time zone adjustment) / 86400) + 25569.

What does GMT mean? ›

GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time, the local clock time at Greenwich. From 1884 until 1972, GMT was the international standard of civil time.

Where is GMT time zone? ›

The "Greenwich Mean Time" refers to the time zone at the zero degree of longitude that runs through the London suburb of Greenwich, from which it takes its name. It is also called the zero meridian. In summer, Great Britain and the Channel Islands change their clocks to British Summertime (BST).

What is GMT time converted to PST? ›

GMT to PST Chart
GMT TimePST Time
12:00 am GMT (midnight)05:00 pm PST
01:00 am GMT06:00 pm PST
02:00 am GMT07:00 pm PST
03:00 am GMT08:00 pm PST
20 more rows

Which timezone is closest to EST? ›

In North America, Eastern Standard Time shares a border with Atlantic Standard Time (AST) in the east and with Central Standard Time (CST) in the west.

What is EST time code? ›

HLC Time Zone Abbreviations
EST(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)US Eastern Standard Time
CAST(UTC-06:00) Central AmericaCentral America Standard Time
CST(UTC-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, MonterreyCentral Standard Time (Mexico)
CCST(UTC-06:00) SaskatchewanCanada Central Standard Time
90 more rows

What does 2 am EST mean? ›

The term Eastern Time (ET) is often used to denote the local time in areas observing either Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) or Eastern Standard Time (EST). In other words, in locations observing Daylight Saving Time (DST) during part of the year, Eastern Time is not static but switches between EDT and EST.

How do I set GMT time? ›

To set the GMT hand to your desired time zone, pull the crown out to the first position and turn it clockwise or counter clockwise until the GMT hand points to the desired hour on the 24-hour scale. Make sure to adjust the GMT hand only and not the regular hour hand.

What time is 4pm GMT today? ›

Getting Started
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) to Eastern Standard Time (EST)
4 pm GMTis12 pm EST
5 pm GMTis1 pm EST
6 pm GMTis2 pm EST
7 pm GMTis3 pm EST
8 more rows

What is the offset from standard time to GMT? ›

India Standard Time (IST) is a UTC +05:30 timezone offset where as GMT is a UTC 0:0 timezone offset. Time difference between India Standard Time (IST) and GMT is 5:30 hours ie., GMT time is always 5:30 hours ahead of India Standard Time (IST).

How do I change time from IST to GMT? ›

  1. pm IST. is. 7 am GMT.
  2. pm IST. is. 8 am GMT.
  3. pm IST. is. 9 am GMT.
  4. pm IST. is. 10 am GMT.
  5. pm IST. is. 11 am GMT.
  6. pm IST. is. 12 pm GMT.
  7. pm IST. is. 1 pm GMT.
  8. pm IST. is. 2 pm GMT.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.