Machine Learning Basics with the K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm (2024)

The k-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm is a simple, easy-to-implement supervised machine learning algorithm that can be used to solve both classification and regression problems. Pause! Let us unpack that.

Machine Learning Basics with the K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm (3)

A supervised machine learning algorithm (as opposed to an unsupervised machine learning algorithm) is one that relies on labeled input data to learn a function that produces an appropriate output when given new unlabeled data.

Imagine a computer is a child, we are its supervisor (e.g. parent, guardian, or teacher), and we want the child (computer) to learn what a pig looks like. We will show the child several different pictures, some of which are pigs and the rest could be pictures of anything (cats, dogs, etc).

When we see a pig, we shout “pig!” When it’s not a pig, we shout “no, not pig!” After doing this several times with the child, we show them a picture and ask “pig?” and they will correctly (most of the time) say “pig!” or “no, not pig!” depending on what the picture is. That is supervised machine learning.

Machine Learning Basics with the K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm (4)

Supervised machine learning algorithms are used to solve classification or regression problems.

A classification problem has a discrete value as its output. For example, “likes pineapple on pizza” and “does not like pineapple on pizza” are discrete. There is no middle ground. The analogy above of teaching a child to identify a pig is another example of a classification problem.

Machine Learning Basics with the K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm (5)

This image shows a basic example of what classification data might look like. We have a predictor (or set of predictors) and a label. In the image, we might be trying to predict whether someone likes pineapple (1) on their pizza or not (0) based on their age (the predictor).

It is standard practice to represent the output (label) of a classification algorithm as an integer number such as 1, -1, or 0. In this instance, these numbers are purely representational. Mathematical operations should not be performed on them because doing so would be meaningless. Think for a moment. What is “likes pineapple” + “does not like pineapple”? Exactly. We cannot add them, so we should not add their numeric representations.

A regression problem has a real number (a number with a decimal point) as its output. For example, we could use the data in the table below to estimate someone’s weight given their height.

Machine Learning Basics with the K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm (6)

Data used in a regression analysis will look similar to the data shown in the image above. We have an independent variable (or set of independent variables) and a dependent variable (the thing we are trying to guess given our independent variables). For instance, we could say height is the independent variable and weight is the dependent variable.

Also, each row is typically called an example, observation, or data point, while each column (not including the label/dependent variable) is often called a predictor, dimension, independent variable, or feature.

An unsupervised machine learning algorithm makes use of input data without any labels —in other words, no teacher (label) telling the child (computer) when it is right or when it has made a mistake so that it can self-correct.

Unlike supervised learning that tries to learn a function that will allow us to make predictions given some new unlabeled data, unsupervised learning tries to learn the basic structure of the data to give us more insight into the data.

The KNN algorithm assumes that similar things exist in close proximity. In other words, similar things are near to each other.

“Birds of a feather flock together.”

Machine Learning Basics with the K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm (7)

Notice in the image above that most of the time, similar data points are close to each other. The KNN algorithm hinges on this assumption being true enough for the algorithm to be useful. KNN captures the idea of similarity (sometimes called distance, proximity, or closeness) with some mathematics we might have learned in our childhood— calculating the distance between points on a graph.

Note: An understanding of how we calculate the distance between points on a graph is necessary before moving on. If you are unfamiliar with or need a refresher on how this calculation is done, thoroughly read “Distance Between 2 Points” in its entirety, and come right back.

There are other ways of calculating distance, and one way might be preferable depending on the problem we are solving. However, the straight-line distance (also called the Euclidean distance) is a popular and familiar choice.

The KNN Algorithm

  1. Load the data
  2. Initialize K to your chosen number of neighbors

3. For each example in the data

3.1 Calculate the distance between the query example and the current example from the data.

3.2 Add the distance and the index of the example to an ordered collection

4. Sort the ordered collection of distances and indices from smallest to largest (in ascending order) by the distances

5. Pick the first K entries from the sorted collection

6. Get the labels of the selected K entries

7. If regression, return the mean of the K labels

8. If classification, return the mode of the K labels

The KNN implementation (from scratch)

Choosing the right value for K

To select the K that’s right for your data, we run the KNN algorithm several times with different values of K and choose the K that reduces the number of errors we encounter while maintaining the algorithm’s ability to accurately make predictions when it’s given data it hasn’t seen before.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. As we decrease the value of K to 1, our predictions become less stable. Just think for a minute, imagine K=1 and we have a query point surrounded by several reds and one green (I’m thinking about the top left corner of the colored plot above), but the green is the single nearest neighbor. Reasonably, we would think the query point is most likely red, but because K=1, KNN incorrectly predicts that the query point is green.
  2. Inversely, as we increase the value of K, our predictions become more stable due to majority voting / averaging, and thus, more likely to make more accurate predictions (up to a certain point). Eventually, we begin to witness an increasing number of errors. It is at this point we know we have pushed the value of K too far.
  3. In cases where we are taking a majority vote (e.g. picking the mode in a classification problem) among labels, we usually make K an odd number to have a tiebreaker.


  1. The algorithm is simple and easy to implement.
  2. There’s no need to build a model, tune several parameters, or make additional assumptions.
  3. The algorithm is versatile. It can be used for classification, regression, and search (as we will see in the next section).


  1. The algorithm gets significantly slower as the number of examples and/or predictors/independent variables increase.

KNN’s main disadvantage of becoming significantly slower as the volume of data increases makes it an impractical choice in environments where predictions need to be made rapidly. Moreover, there are faster algorithms that can produce more accurate classification and regression results.

However, provided you have sufficient computing resources to speedily handle the data you are using to make predictions, KNN can still be useful in solving problems that have solutions that depend on identifying similar objects. An example of this is using the KNN algorithm in recommender systems, an application of KNN-search.

Recommender Systems

At scale, this would look like recommending products on Amazon, articles on Medium, movies on Netflix, or videos on YouTube. Although, we can be certain they all use more efficient means of making recommendations due to the enormous volume of data they process.

However, we could replicate one of these recommender systems on a smaller scale using what we have learned here in this article. Let us build the core of a movies recommender system.

What question are we trying to answer?

Given our movies data set, what are the 5 most similar movies to a movie query?

Gather movies data

If we worked at Netflix, Hulu, or IMDb, we could grab the data from their data warehouse. Since we don’t work at any of those companies, we have to get our data through some other means. We could use some movies data from the UCI Machine Learning Repository, IMDb’s data set, or painstakingly create our own.

Explore, clean, and prepare the data

Wherever we obtained our data, there may be some things wrong with it that we need to correct to prepare it for the KNN algorithm. For example, the data may not be in the format that the algorithm expects, or there may be missing values that we should fill or remove from the data before piping it into the algorithm.

Our KNN implementation above relies on structured data. It needs to be in a table format. Additionally, the implementation assumes that all columns contain numerical data and that the last column of our data has labels that we can perform some function on. So, wherever we got our data from, we need to make it conform to these constraints.

The data below is an example of what our cleaned data might resemble. The data contains thirty movies, including data for each movie across seven genres and their IMDB ratings. The labels column has all zeros because we aren’t using this data set for classification or regression.

Additionally, there are relationships among the movies that will not be accounted for (e.g. actors, directors, and themes) when using the KNN algorithm simply because the data that captures those relationships are missing from the data set. Consequently, when we run the KNN algorithm on our data, similarity will be based solely on the included genres and the IMDB ratings of the movies.

Use the algorithm

Imagine for a moment. We are navigating the MoviesXb website, a fictional IMDb spin-off, and we encounter The Post. We aren’t sure we want to watch it, but its genres intrigue us; we are curious about other similar movies. We scroll down to the “More Like This” section to see what recommendations MoviesXb will make, and the algorithmic gears begin to turn.

The MoviesXb website sends a request to its back-end for the 5 movies that are most similar to The Post. The back-end has a recommendation data set exactly like ours. It begins by creating the row representation (better known as a feature vector) for The Post, then it runs a program similar to the one below to search for the 5 movies that are most similar to The Post, and finally sends the results back to the MoviesXb website.

When we run this program, we see that MoviesXb recommends 12 Years A Slave, Hacksaw Ridge, Queen of Katwe, The Wind Rises, and A Beautiful Mind. Now that we fully understand how the KNN algorithm works, we are able to exactly explain how the KNN algorithm came to make these recommendations. Congratulations!

The k-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm is a simple, supervised machine learning algorithm that can be used to solve both classification and regression problems. It’s easy to implement and understand, but has a major drawback of becoming significantly slows as the size of that data in use grows.

KNN works by finding the distances between a query and all the examples in the data, selecting the specified number examples (K) closest to the query, then votes for the most frequent label (in the case of classification) or averages the labels (in the case of regression).

In the case of classification and regression, we saw that choosing the right K for our data is done by trying several Ks and picking the one that works best.

Finally, we looked at an example of how the KNN algorithm could be used in recommender systems, an application of KNN-search.

Machine Learning Basics with the K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm (8)

[1] The KNN movies recommender implemented in this article does not handle the case where the movie query might be part of the recommendation data set for the sake of simplicity. This might be unreasonable in a production system and should be dealt with appropriately.

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Machine Learning Basics with the K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm (2024)


What is the k-nearest neighbor algorithm in machine learning? ›

The k-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm is a non-parametric, supervised learning classifier, which uses proximity to make classifications or predictions about the grouping of an individual data point. It is one of the popular and simplest classification and regression classifiers used in machine learning today.

Do we need a learning method for a K nearest neighbors algorithm? ›

The neighbors are taken from a set of objects for which the class (for k-NN classification) or the object property value (for k-NN regression) is known. This can be thought of as the training set for the algorithm, though no explicit training step is required.

What is the K nearest neighbors algorithm tool? ›

The K Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm is a non-parametric method used in both classification and regression that assumes that similar objects are in close proximity. Objects that are close (in terms of a certain distance metrics) are thus supposed to belong to the same class, or share similar properties.

How to do the nearest neighbor algorithm? ›

These are the steps of the algorithm:
  1. Initialize all vertices as unvisited.
  2. Select an arbitrary vertex, set it as the current vertex u. ...
  3. Find out the shortest edge connecting the current vertex u and an unvisited vertex v.
  4. Set v as the current vertex u. ...
  5. If all the vertices in the domain are visited, then terminate.

Why is KNN called lazy learner? ›

Lazy Learning Algorithm - KNN is a lazy learning algorithm because it does not have a specialized training phase and uses all the data for training during classification. Non-parametric learning algorithm - KNN is also a non-parametric learning algorithm because it does not assume anything about the underlying data.

What is the difference between linear regression and K nearest neighbors? ›

KNN regression is a local estimator based on the neighborhood, while linear regression is a global estimator based on a linear relationship between variables. KNN regression predicts values based on similarity to neighboring data points, while linear regression fits a line to the data to make predictions.

Is KNN prone to overfitting? ›

The value of k in the KNN algorithm is related to the error rate of the model. A small value of k could lead to overfitting as well as a big value of k can lead to underfitting. Overfitting imply that the model is well on the training data but has poor performance when new data is coming.

What are the drawbacks of the K nearest neighbor algorithm? ›

KNN has some drawbacks and challenges, such as computational expense, slow speed, memory and storage issues for large datasets, sensitivity to the choice of k and the distance metric, and susceptibility to the curse of dimensionality.

What are the real world applications of K nearest neighbor algorithm? ›

Some of the other applications of KNN in finance are mentioned below:
  • Forecasting stock market: Predict the price of a stock, based on company performance measures and economic data.
  • Currency exchange rate.
  • Bank bankruptcies.
  • Understanding and managing financial risk.
  • Trading futures.
  • Credit rating.
  • Loan management.
Sep 20, 2023

What are the advantages of KNN algorithm? ›

Here are some of the advantages of using the k-nearest neighbors algorithm: It's easy to understand and simple to implement. It can be used for both classification and regression problems. It's ideal for non-linear data since there's no assumption about underlying data.

Is KNN deep learning? ›

KNN is one of the most basic yet essential classification algorithms in machine learning. It belongs to the supervised learning domain and finds intense application in pattern recognition, data mining, and intrusion detection.

What is the formula for k-nearest neighbor? ›

The k-nearest neighbor classifier fundamentally relies on a distance metric. The better that metric reflects label similarity, the better the classified will be. The most common choice is the Minkowski distance dist(x,z)=(d∑r=1|xr−zr|p)1/p.

What is the best way to choose k in KNN? ›

The optimal K value usually found is the square root of N, where N is the total number of samples. Use an error plot or accuracy plot to find the most favorable K value. KNN performs well with multi-label classes, but you must be aware of the outliers.

What is the K nearest neighbor regression algorithm? ›

In the context of regression, KNN is often referred to as “K-Nearest Neighbors Regression” or “KNN Regression.” It's a simple and intuitive algorithm that makes predictions by finding the K nearest data points to a given input and averaging their target values (for numerical regression) or selecting the majority class ...

What is the difference between K-Means and KNN algorithm? ›

K-NN is a classification or regression machine learning algorithm while K-means is a clustering machine learning algorithm. K-NN is a lazy learner while K-Means is an eager learner. An eager learner has a model fitting that means a training step but a lazy learner does not have a training phase.

What is the K nearest neighbor graph algorithm? ›

The K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm compares given properties of each node. The k nodes where these properties are most similar are the k-nearest neighbors. The initial set of neighbors is picked at random and verified and refined in multiple iterations.

What is the K nearest neighbor algorithm for recommendation system? ›

We generally use the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) algorithm to determine which are the most relevant neighbors to select and generate reliable recommendations, which allows to select only the k best neighbors with the highest correlation value.

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