Programme – 2023 IBAGS Conference (2025)

Opening event (Tuesday June 13)

15:30Registration opening

17:00-18:30 Welcome address and IBAGS-MDS honorary lectures
(Supported by MDS – The International Parkinson and Movement Disorders Society).

17:00-17:10 Welcome to IBAGS XIV (Angela Cenci Nilsson)

17:10-18:25 Honorary lectures (Chairpersons: Per Svenningsson, Jim Surmeier

17:10-17:35 Judie Walters(USA)
Probing motor circuit dynamics for insight into movement disorder pathophysiology

17:35-18:00 Atsushi Nambu (Japan)
In search of a unified view for the pathophysiology of movement disorders”

18:00-18:25José Obeso (Spain)
Focused ultrasound for movement disorders and neurodegeneration”

18:25-18:30 Short meeting information (Gilberto Fisone)

Scientific programme synopsis

The meeting will consist of 10 plenary lecture sessions and 3 poster sessions. Most lecture sessions will include an oral presentation selected from the submitted abstracts.

III. Plenary session programme

Wednesday, 14 June

08.45-10.20 – Session 1
Dopamine cell types and functions

10.20-10.45 – Coffee break

10:45-12.20 – Session 2
Cortical and thalamic interplay with the basal ganglia

12.20-13.30 – Lunch

13.30-15:05 – Session 3
The basal ganglia network and maladaptive behaviors

15:05-15:30 – Coffee break

15:30-16:40 – Session 4
Cell types, connections, and functions of the intrinsic basal ganglia nuclei

16:40-16:50 – highlighted posters – authors’ presentation

16:50 – 18:20 – POSTER SESSION 1
posters can be removed by 10:00 AM on June 15
(Title and poster Nr can be found here)

18:30:19:00 transportation to the Gala Dinner

19:00-23:00 – GALA DINNER

Thursday, 15 June

08:45-10:20 – Session 5
Glial-neuronal interactions at basal ganglia circuits

10.20-10.45 – Coffee break

10:45-12:25 – Session 6
Synaptic plasticity and behavioral reinforcement

12.25-13.35 – Lunch

13.35-14:45 – Session 7
External inputs to the basal ganglia

14:45-15:10 – Coffee break

15:10-16:20 – Session 8
Basal ganglia neurochemistry revisited using new sensor technology

16:20-16:30 – highlighted posters – authors’ presentation

16:30 – 18:00 – POSTER SESSION 2
A light buffet will be offered during this session
(Title and poster Nr can be found here)

18:00-18:30 – posters removal

Friday, 16 June

09:00-10.10 – Session 9
Striatal microcircuits and compartments

10.10-10:35 – Coffee break

10:35-12:10 – Session 10
Utilising circuit dynamics and oscillations to treat basal ganglia disorders

12:10-12:20 – highlighted posters – authors’ presentation

12.20-13.30 – Lunch

13:30 -15:00 – POSTER SESSION 3
(Title and poster Nr can be found here)

15:00-15:30 – poster removal

15:30-16:00 General assembly;
new council member election

16.00-16.30 – Wrap-up

–End of meeting–

Wednesday, June 14th

Session 1. Dopamine cell types and functions (08.45-10:20)
Chairpersons: Konstantinos Meletis, Louise Parr-Brownlie

Marisela Morales, NIDA (USA)
Differential dopamine signaling achieved by co-release of other neurotransmitters

ThomasPerlmann, Karolinska Institute (Sweden)
Interrogating dopamine neuron diversity and vulnerability at the single cell level

Hauibin Cai, National Institutes of Health(USA)
Endocannabinoid signaling in dopaminergic neurons and Parkinson’s disease

Guendalina Bastioli, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University (Italy)
Exercise increases striatal dopamine release and improves motor behavior in aging mice

Session 2: Cortical and thalamic interplay with the basal ganglia (10:45-12:20)
Chairpersons: Per Petersson, Jeanette Hellgren Kotaleski

Yoland Smith, Emory University, Atlanta (USA)
Comparative Anatomy of Thalamocortical and Corticofugal Systems

Pavel Rueda-Orozco, UNAM Mexico City (Mexico)
Role of corticostriatal systems in bilaterally coordinated movements and their disruption in PD models

Hayriye Cagnan, University of Oxford (UK)
Thalamocortical dynamics and the emergence of basal ganglia oscillations

Emmett Thompson, University College London (UK)
Procedural replay in dorsolateral striatum is revealed using an unsupervised point process model

Session 3: The basal ganglia network and maladaptive behaviors (13.30-15:05)
Chairpersons: Ledia F. Hernandez, Rosario Moratalla

Christiane Schreiweis, Sorbonne Université & Hôpital de la Pitié Salpêtrière (France)
Behavioural features and synaptic dysfunctions in mouse models of OCD

Cristina Alcacer, Champalimaud Neuroscience Programme (Portugal)
Behavioural features and striatal pathways in mouse models of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia

Alexandra Nelson, UCSF (USA)
PD-related impulse control disorders: models and mechanisms

Anastasia Diamantopoulou, Goethe University Frankfurt(Germany)
Dopaminergic hyperactivity in a 22q11.2 genetic high risk mouse model of schizophrenia

Session 4: Cell types, connections, and functions of the intrinsic basal ganglia nuclei
(15:30-16:40) Chairpersons: Åsa Mackenzie, Yoland Smith

Nicolas Mallet, University of Bordeaux (France)
On the functions and connections of GPe cell typesYoni Kupchik, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
Cells and connections of the ventral pallidum

Elina Nagaeva, University of Helsinki (Finland)
The somatostatin neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) send long-range projections and are implicated in stress-related behaviours

16:40-16:50 Highlighted posters – authors’ presentations Chairperson: Angela Cenci Nilsson

16:50-18:20: POSTER SESSION 1
(Title and poster nr can be found here)

Thursday, June 15th

Session 5: Glial-neuronal interactions at basal ganglia circuits (08:45-10:20)
Chairpersons: Raffaella Tonini, Elaine Del Bel

Baljit Khakh, UCLA (USA)
Astrocytic functions in the regulation of basal ganglia physiology and behaviors

Stephanie Cragg, University of Oxford (UK)
Astrocyte role in signal integration

Marta Navarrete-Llinas, Institute Cajal CSIC (Spain)
Input-specific astrocyte activation in the ventral striatum

José Luis Lanciego, University of Navarra (Spain)
Development and characterization of a novel animal model of Parkinson’s disease in non-human primates based on neuromelanin accumulation

Session 6: Synaptic plasticity and behavioral reinforcement (10:45-12:25)
Chairpersons: Arvind Kumar, Hagain Bergman

Ann Graybiel, MIT McGovern Institute (USA)
Behavioural consequences of neural plasticity in nigro-striato-nigral loops

Sho Yagishita, University of Tokyo (Japan)
Multimodal systems-level interrogations of striatal plasticity

John Reynolds, University of Otago (New Zealand)
Dopamine effects on basal ganglia systems and plasticity – a translational perspective

Peter Dayan, University of Tübingen (Germany)
A computational approach to study basal ganglia plasticity in reinforcement learning

Session 7: External inputs to the basal ganglia (13.35-14:45)
Chairpersons: Gilberto Fisone, Alexandra Nelson

Kamran Khodakhah, Albert Einstein College of Medicine (USA)
Cerebellum and basal ganglia interplay

François George, University of Bordeaux (France)
Amygdala and basal ganglia interplay

Nadine K. Gut, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ (USA)
Pedunculopontine connections to the basal ganglia

Session 8: Basal ganglia neurochemistry revisited using new sensor technology (15:10-16:20)
Chairpersons: Jill Crittenden, John Reynolds

Jun Ding, Stanford University (USA)
Voltage sensitive indicators in striatal neurons

Alan Pradip Jasanoff, MIT Dept. Biological Engineering (USA)
Functional dissection of striatal circuitry using molecular fMR

Guy Yona, University of Oxford (UK)
Movement-related dopamine signaling in mouse dorsal striatum in health and Parkinsonism

16:20-16:30: Highlighted posters – authors’ presentation (Chairperson Åsa McKenzie)

16:30-18:00: POSTER SESSION 2
(Title and poster nr can be found here)

Friday, June 16th

Session 9: Striatal microcircuits and compartments (09:00-10.10)
Chairpersons: Josh Goldberg, Gilad Silberberg

Maxime Assous, Cardiff University (UK)
Striatal microcircuits organization

Joshua Plotkin, SUNY Stony Brook (USA)
New vistas on striosome and matrix

Nathalie Dehorter, University of Queensland (Australia)
Molecular Control of the Striatal microcircuits during Development

Session 10: Utilising circuit dynamics and oscillations to treat basal ganglia disorders
(10:35-12:10) Chairpersons: Julian Neumann, Thomas Boraud

Aryn Gittis, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh (USA)
Translating cell-specific interventions from optogenetics to deep brain stimulation

Andrew Sharott, University of Oxford (UK)
Utilising phase information from beta oscillations for adaptive neuromodulation

Roxanne Lofredi, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Germany)
Oscillatory and behavioural mechanisms of neuromodulation in patients with basal ganglia disorders

Jared Cregg, University of Copenhagen(Denmark)
Basal ganglia-spinal cord pathway that commands locomotor gait asymmetries

12:10-12:20: Highlighted posters – authors’ presentation (Chairperson: John Reynolds)

13:30-15:00: POSTER SESSION 3
(Title and poster nr can be found here)

Highlighted posters

Poster session 1
(Title and poster nr can be found here)

Natalia Lopez-Gonzalez del Rey ”Selective ablation of Sox6+ dopaminergic neurons results in parkinsonism-like behaviors” (Dopamine cell types and functions)

Nir Asch ”Basal Ganglia and Prefrontal Cortex Complementary Roles in Exploratory Learning of the Healthy and Phencyclidine Non-Human Primate Model of Schizophrenia” (BG and maladaptive behaviors

Mathilde Bertrand “Subthalamic nucleus electrophysiological biomarkers as predictors of symptoms onset in a non-human primate model of Parkinson’s disease” (Utilising circuit dynamics and oscillations to treat BG disorders)

Julian Cheron “Histone H2A monoubiquitination in the thalamus regulates cocaine effects and addiction risk” (BG and maladaptive behaviors)

Isaac Greennan “Encoding of reward, effort and decision by neuronal ensembles in the cortico-basal ganglia network” (Cell Types, Connections, & Functions of the Intrinsic BG Nuclei)

Mark Humphries “The computational bottleneck of basal ganglia output, and how to overcome it” (Cell Types, Connections, & Functions of the Intrinsic BG Nuclei)

Laureen McElvain “Organization of parallel basal ganglia output pathways” (Cell Types, Connections, & Functions of the Intrinsic BG Nuclei)

Poster session 2
(Title and poster nr can be found here)

Dieter Jaeger “Thalamic and Cortical Activity Dynamics in a Decision Lick Task With Optogenetic Basal Ganglia Stimulation ” (Cortical and thalamic interplay with the basal ganglia)

Charlotte Collingwood “Habits Through Temporal-Difference Action Learning” (Synaptic plasticity and behavioural reinforcement)

Daniel Trpevski ”Calcium- and reward-based local learning rule for feature binding” (Synaptic plasticity and behavioural reinforcement)

Maya Molinari “Ionic plasticity of midbrain GABAergic synapses in PD models” (Synaptic plasticity and behavioural reinforcement)

Martina Montanari “Synaptic alterations in the dorsal striatum of the R451C-Nlgn3 mouse model of autism: role of group I metabotropic receptors” (Synaptic plasticity and behavioural reinforcement)

Gabriela Rodriguez “Cell-type specific cue representations in the dorsomedial striatum emerge during learning and support the selection of visually guided actions” (Synaptic plasticity and behavioural reinforcement)

Adriana Galvan “Use of chemogenetic ligand-gated ion channels to modulate the activity of the internal globus pallidus in monkeys” (Basal ganglia neurochemistry revisited using new sensor technology)

Poster session 3:
(Title and poster nr can be found here)

Ingo Willhun “Towards a map of the striatal landscape of dopamine signals for motivational stimuli” (Striatal microcircuits and compartments

May-Anh Vu “Striatum-wide monitoring of DA release reveals contributions from distinct action, sensory, and reward-related spatiotemporal dynamics” (Striatal microcircuits and compartments)

Patricia Bonnavion “Unexpected inhibition of motor function by dopamine activation of D1/D2 co-expressing striatal neurons” (Striatal microcircuits and compartments)

Chang Li “Time course of neuronal and glial adaptations in the dopamine-denervated striatum” (Striatal microcircuits and compartments)

Meera Chickermane “Connectivity links beta oscillations with dopamine in the healthy brain” (Utilising circuit dynamics and oscillations to treat BG disorders)

Alessia Cavallo “Reinforcement of movement velocity through movement triggered adaptive deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease” (Utilising circuit dynamics and oscillations to treat BG disorders)

Programme – 2023 IBAGS Conference (2025)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.