User manual Husqvarna M-ZT61 (English (2024)

View the manual for the Husqvarna M-ZT61 here, for free. This manual comes under the category lawnmowers and has been rated by 1 people with an average of a 7.5. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the Husqvarna M-ZT61 or do you need help?Ask your question here

The Husqvarna M-ZT61 is a commercial-grade zero-turn lawnmower that is designed for ease of use and exceptional performance. It is powered by a Kawasaki engine that delivers 25 HP, which enables it to handle tough terrain and high grass with minimal effort. The engine is also fuel-efficient, ensuring that you can run the lawnmower for long hours without refilling the tank frequently.Its cutting deck is made of heavy-duty steel construction, which ensures durability even after prolonged use. The cutting width of the mower is 61 inches, which means you can cover a large area within a short time frame. Furthermore, the cutting height can be adjusted efficiently, making it suitable for different types of grasses.The mower's frame is constructed with a welded steel tube, making it sturdy and capable of withstanding heavy use. The hydrostatic transmission allows for smooth and easy maneuverability, especially when navigating around obstacles. It is also fitted with a high-back seat, which provides comfort and support when mowing for long hours.Maintenance of the Husqvarna M-ZT61 is made easy due to its accessibility features. For instance, the oil filter, battery, and hydraulic filter are all conveniently located, making it easy to check and replace them when necessary.Overall, the Husqvarna M-ZT61 is an excellent lawnmower that delivers exceptional performance and durability, making it suitable for both commercial and residential use.

FiletypeUser manual (PDF)

Can't find the answer to your question in the manual? You may find the answer to your question in the FAQs about the Husqvarna M-ZT61 below.

How short should I cut the grass?

When the grass is longer than 4.5cm, the grass should be cut. The ideal length is between 3 and 4.5cm.

How often should I cut the grass?

In the spring, the grass should be cut every week, while in the summer once every two weeks is sufficient.

Can I mow the lawn when the grass is wet?

You can, but the result is better in dry weather. When the grass is wet, grass clumps can easily form and clog the mower.

How do I properly start the Husqvarna M-ZT61 lawnmower?

A valid concern! To start the Husqvarna M-ZT61 lawnmower properly, you'll need to ensure the throttle control lever is in the correct position, engage the parking brake, turn the ignition key, and then activate the choke as needed.

How do I adjust the cutting height on the Husqvarna M-ZT61 lawnmower?

Excellent question! To adjust the cutting height of your Husqvarna M-ZT61 lawnmower, locate the cutting height adjustment lever, usually located near the driver's seat, and move it to the desired cutting height position. Make sure to check for any instructions or markings on the lever for specific measurements if needed.

How often should I change the oil on my Husqvarna M-ZT61 lawnmower?

Great point! It is recommended to change the oil in your Husqvarna M-ZT61 lawnmower after the initial operating hour, and then every 100 hours of use or at least once a year. Always remember to use the manufacturer-recommended oil type and follow the proper steps for oil changing outlined in the manual.

What type of/mix ratio for the fuel should I use for my Husqvarna M-ZT61 lawnmower?

Wise question! For optimal performance, it is crucial to use fresh gasoline with an octane rating of 87 or higher in your Husqvarna M-ZT61 lawnmower. Additionally, make sure to use a high-quality 2-stroke oil with a mixing ratio of 50:1, as specified by the manufacturer.

Can I use a regular cleaning solution to clean the cutting deck on the Husqvarna M-ZT61 lawnmower?

Thank you for asking! It is important to avoid using regular cleaning solutions on the cutting deck of your Husqvarna M-ZT61 lawnmower. Instead, use water and a mild detergent to clean the cutting deck thoroughly, ensuring to remove any grass clippings and debris. Always refer to the manual for specific cleaning instructions to maintain your lawnmower properly.

Is the manual of the Husqvarna M-ZT61 available in English?

Yes, the manual of the Husqvarna M-ZT61 is available in English .

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User manual Husqvarna M-ZT61 (English (2024)
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